Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Low Sec Adventure

My corp has recently begun moon mining operations in low sec. For a while, I have disliked low sec because it doesn't suit my play style, but that may begin to change. Just for fun, I thought I would move a cruiser down to our low sec base of operations to see what low sec was really like. Our base was fairly deep into low sec in an out of the way area, so the odds of a gate camp are slim. When I got to our base in my Arbitrator, I decided to start off with some ratting, I have never really ratted in low sec before so I figured I may as well try it out. I was actually quite surprised with the results, I didn't really expect ratting to be as good as I found it to be. Sure the rats weren't all that great, but it was a whole lot better from what I thought it would be. I usually found about 1-2 battleships per system, which wasn't all that bad. I also tried to run a few anomalies in my minimally tanked Arbitrator, it didn't work to well. I didn't realize that a lot of anomalies really require a bit of firepower and a good tank. I may move a harbinger down to our base of operations just to see what I can accomplish from low sec anomalies and deadspace complexes .

After partially living in wormhole space for quite some time, I have learned quite a few survival techniques. I found that I could apply these techniques to low sec as well. Whenever someone came into local (Which I personally hate because it gives you no real element of surprise) I would check my directional scanner to see what who came into the system and if they were a threat or not. I would also check to see if they were trying to probe me out if they thought I was at a safe spot. My wormhole habits really came in handy when trying to survive in low sec.

Overall I ran things down in low sec for about a night, which about payed for my ship that I flew down in. So overall, I would have no net loss if lost that ship. Although there would be the logistic issue of getting a new ship. It really is hard to prepare for everything, and next time I head down I will probably plan it out like I plan out wormhole tactics, unlike what I did this time, slapping together a ship in about 15 min and flying it out.

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