Thursday, February 18, 2010

Overkill in a class 1 wormhole

I have seen my share of interesting things in wormholes, full capital ship fleets in high class wormholes, undefended POS's, Full Scale PVP ops, and other various interesting things. Nothing I have encountered so far tops something I saw over the past week. A Thanatos, which is a Gallente carrier, in a class 1 wormhole. I couldn't actually believe this when I saw this, The only way to get one in a class 1 is to build it in the wormhole. I screenshotted it just so that I could have proof that I actually have seen this.

Although Wormhole Thingy sucks for accurate data on the effects of a wormhole, its accurate with the class of wormholes. I use EVE HQ if I want to know the exact data on the effects.

If you want overkill, do it with style. Not sure why anyone would do this but they could just have easily soloed the sites in a cruiser....

1 comment:

  1. Maybe he read your T3 Cruisers: Don't be Cocky post and thought to be save in a carrier;)
